Zbiórka środków na upamiętnienie zamordowanych z Gniewczyny i Kańczugi
25.01.2016 14:12:01
Apel to support our initiative to commemorate burial places of Jews murdered in Gniewczyna Lancucka and Kanczuga 1042-1945
Dear Friends,
We turn to you with a request to financially support our initiative to commemorate the burial place of Jews murdered in Gniewczyna Łańcucka and Kańczuga between 1942 - 1945. Their remains were exhumed after the war and moved to the cemetery in the Jagieła - Niechciałka near Jarosław, where they lie in mass graves marked only with rusty plaques bearing exhumation protocol numbers - no names.
During our research, we were able to find those protocols and identify the names of the victims. We would like these names to be engraved in stone. They would be placed on the two tombstones after the words from the Book of Job: O earth, do not cover my blood, And let my cry have no resting place. And let my cry have no resting place..

This cemetery also includes the victims of massacres carried out in other nearby places in the Przeworsk county. In the beginning we decided to commemorate the victims of the massacres in Gniewczyna Łańcucka described in the memoirs of Tadeusz Markiela edited by Alinę Skibińską in the book published by our Center in 2011 "Jakie to ma znaczenie, czy zrobili to z chciwości?"Zagłada domu Trynczerów The postwar pogrom in Kańczuga was described in the press articles of Witold Piecuch "Wielka noc w Kańczudze" andPiotr Lipinski "Nikt ich nie tykał". We assume you know these publications and perhaps were shaken by their message as we were..
Our initiative to commemorate the victims of both events has just received an official approval from the local authorities. We estimate that the cost of the both commemorative tombstones will not exceed 18 000 PLN.
If you would like to support our initiative please make a donation to: Stowarzyszenie Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów, Warszawa
Donations in PLN: PL 37 2490 0005 0000 4520 8799 8529
Donations in USD: PL39 2490 0005 0000 4600 5092 1620
Donations in GBP: PL 32 2490 0005 0000 4600 4556 4630
Donations in EUR: PL 59 2490 1057 0000 9902 6627 5695
When the project is finished we will let you know about an unveiling ceremony. In case that we collect more funds than necessary we will use them for other tombstoned in the same cemetery.
We do not want the names of the victims to remain unknown and forgotten, as their remnants were for all those years. It is our duty not to let them die again, this time to die in the oblivion.
Let us give back victims their names. It is our chance to do something good together. Please help!
O earth, do not cover my blood,
And let my cry have no resting place
/Job 16,18/
[Star of David]
In memory of
Jews murdered
In August 1942
And 31 March 1945
In Kańczuga
exhumed and reburied
on this cemetery
Izrael Ejzig, age 35
Chana Krieger, age 20
and her unborn child
Sima Krieger, age16
Dawid Krieger
Pinia Krieger, age10
Jankiel Krieger, age 12
Fejwel Jakubes, age 33
Dora Bergman, age 32
Mindla Saltzman, age 55
Bernard (Berek) Zwanziger, age 26
Izydor (Azri) Reitzfeld
Debora Risman
murdered on March 31, 1945
and 72 unknown persons
murdered in 1942
O earth, do not cover my blood,
And let my cry have no resting place
/Job 16,18/
[Star of David]
In memory of
Jews murdered
in the autumn of 1942
In Gniewczyna Łańcucka
exhumed and reburied
on this cemetery
Lejb Trynczer, with his wife Szeindla,
their sons – Lejb, age 3 and Lejzor, age 1
Symcha Adler,
with his wife Gitla nee Sandman, age 38
their unborn child
and sons - Szymon Josef, age 19, Nuchem, age 15
and Aron named Urys , age 12
and two unknown persons